Partner with Karen in Missions and Orphan Care Work!

Partner with Karen in Missions and Orphan Care Work!  image




How It Started

My journey into ministry began when God put on my heart a burden to pursue a career in orphan care and cross-cultural missions after I had been working as a project manager for a product design consulting firm for three years after college. What started out as a part-time job with Renewal Missions to “test the waters” of working with underserved children quickly became what has been and will undoubtedly continue to be a lifelong journey of learning to serve God wherever and however He leads in each unique season of my life.

Where God Is Leading Me Now

Since 2021, I’ve explored my ministry calling with Renewal Missions, prayerfully served while wearing many (sometimes too many) hats, and have grown in faith, humility, and surrender through some difficult seasons of ministry. Most of all, I have experienced more of God’s infinite goodness and grace as He sustained me through all the trials and sanctification of a difficult ministry. Throughout the last few years, God has drawn me closer to Him than ever before, and has shaped my passions and convictions of encouraging and mobilizing the Church to share God’s love and serve His children through missions and long-term discipleship.

In the last few years of working with Renewal, I have spearheaded the creation of our annual programs to mobilize volunteers and church partners to serve and build long-term relationships with our Mexican partners and children. For our annual Summer Missions Program, I’ve trained and led a total of three diverse teams for week-long trips to Tijuana, as well as a summer-long trip for one of our volunteers. For our Christmas Outreach Program, I’ve organized the collection of countless gift boxes, food, and necessities, planned three annual Packing Day events, and led a total of seven day trip teams to share about God’s gift of Christ to us. Each year, I have the privilege of serving with about 150 volunteers and 5 different churches. My desire and goal for these relationships and trips is to make space for God to work and move mightily in and through all our volunteers as we faithfully serve Him and His children in Tijuana.

Not only has God developed and deepened my passions for missions and mobilization, but He has also given me the opportunity to use my education and professional business background for Renewal Missions. As Director of Operations, I oversee all the organizational structures of our day-to-day operations, in addition to running our annual programs and missions trips to Tijuana. When Esperanza for Sons and Daughters, a Discipleship Center in Tijuana, was started in 2022, I helped our ministry partners in Mexico to establish day-to-day operations and logistics so that the center may be a blessing to countless children in the local community. Through my time working closely with the staff at Esperanza, I have been so blessed and loved by them, and have come to call these wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ my family.

It has been such a joy to recognize the unique set of skills and passions that God has given me to serve in this role wholeheartedly with everything that I am and have. While this journey has not been easy, the Lord has given me an overwhelming sense of joy and contentment through all the ways I’ve seen Him working in and through me, and I have drawn closer to Him through it all.

An Act of Faith and Surrender to God

We would not have been able to accomplish any of this without our faithful community and partners that have not only sent us with their prayers and resources, but have also joined us in serving in Tijuana together. With Renewal’s transition to individual support teams, we look to Him who holds all things in His hands as we strive to create a sustainable ministry to serve and care for, not only the underserved communities well, but also to care for our staff members well.

Therefore, I’m looking to build my support team of prayer warriors, committed volunteers, and compassionate individuals to partner with me in God’s ministry of serving vulnerable children. Would you please prayerfully partner with me?

Ways to Give

  1. Online: You can make credit card donations above with a small 3% processing fee.
  2. Check: You can write the check out to “Renewal Missions” with “Karen Xie” on the memo line, and mail it to 10770 Westonhill Dr, San Diego, CA 92126.
  3. Venmo: You can venmo @RenewalMissions with “Karen Xie” on the description line.

If you would like to know more or ask any questions, feel free to contact me at

You can also sign up for my newsletter to get email updates of my ministry throughout the year:

Thank you all so much for supporting me and my ministry thus far, and I look forward to seeing all the amazing things that God will continue to do!

Much love,



Renewal Missions a registered 501-C3 non-profit organization in the United States. All your contributions are tax-deductible and tax receipts will be sent out by the end of January of each year. While we will do our best to honor your wishes for the selected designation, your contribution is made with the understanding that Renewal Missions has complete control over the use of the donated funds. We thank you for trusting us with your donation and sincerely appreciate your partnership and support.